The Oak Cliff Lions Club has been a long-standing institution in the Dallas area for over 80 years. Since the club's beginnings in the 1920's, prominent members of the City's and State's Leadership have given their time and service to its charities. As a result, our club has been recognized over and over... Below are a few of the honors the Oak Cliff Lions Club and its members have received over the years:
Ambassador of Good Will Award
The Ambassador of Good Will Award is the highest Award presented by Lions International. A maximum of 25 are awarded worldwide on an annual basis by the International President.
PDG Marion B. Snider* 1969
Gordon Rea* 1969
PDG Bill Melton 1983
PDG Wayne Meachum 2008
International President's Award
The International President's Award is the second highest Award of Lions Clubs International.
PDG Marion B. Snider* 1969, 1973, 1978, 1983
Gordon Rea* 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972
PDG Sylvan Moritz* 1975, 1978, 1985
PDG Bill Melton 1981
PDG Wayne Meachum 2005, 2007
Dennis Jeter 2009
Abigail Tupper 2019
Nia MacKay 2022
International President's Leadership Medal
The International President's Leadership Medal is the third highest Award of Lions International.
Stoney Greene* 2004
Michelle Metzger 2004
PDG Wayne Meachum 2004
PDG Bill Melton 2008
Rich Buickerood 2009
Iris Smith 2013
PDG Darla Wisdom 2013
International President's Lions Recognition Award
The Lions Recognition Award is given to "Lions who distinguished themselves in a disaster relief effort, lifesaving endeavor, or a service activity otherwise deemed appropriate by the International President."
Charlie Tupper 2019 (First Award Presented in Texas)
Melvin Jones Fellowship Award
The Melvin Jones Fellow Award is the highest Award of the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). The Award is based upon an unrestricted contribution of a minimum of $1,000 to LCIF.
PDG Sylvan Moritz* 1992
Tom Young* 1993
Oscar "Bill" Eagle* 1994
Fred Ferguson* 1994
O. N. Moffett* 1996
PDG Bill Melton 1998
PDG Marion B. Snider* 1998
Carne Cunningham* 2001
Robert Hirsh* 2002
Michelle Metzger 2006
PDG Wayne Meachum 2007
Amy Alburtis 2010
Rich Buickerood 2010
Bonnie Breazeale* 2010
Mark Snyder* 2010
Darla Wisdom 2011
John Dodd 2012
Carol Donovan 2012
Dennis Jeter 2012
Charlie Tupper 2012
Tom Timmons 2012
JoAnn Holt Caussey 2014
Larry Frazier* 2014
Bill Lawhorn 2014
Iris Smith 2014, 2017
Stan Altschuler 2019
Steve Bayless 2019
Steve Elwell 2019
Ruben Esquivel 2019
Layne Vincent 2019
Nia MacKay 2021
Paul Nielsen 2021
Dan Cunningham 2022
Diana Ezzell 2022
Blake Lindsay 2023
Life Membership - Lions Clubs International
Any Member of a Club who has maintained active membership as a Lion for 20 years and has rendered outstanding service to the Club, the community, or the Association, may be granted Life Membership upon recommendation of the Club to the Association, payment as required, and approval by the International
Board of Directors.
PDG Marion B. Snider* 1983
PDG Bill Melton 1990
Carne Cunningham* 2010
Fred Ferguson* 2010
Wayne Meachum 2018
Darla Wisdom 2018
Key Awards For Membership Recruitment
Awards are presented by Lions Clubs International. New members count toward these awards when the person remains a member of the club for at least one year and one day.
Key of State (75)
PDG Bill Melton
Senior Master Key (25)
Carolyn Dunnigan*
Jerry Gilmore*
Steve Levine
PDG Wayne Meachum
Master Key (15)
Don Hicks*
Robert Allen*
Master Key (12)
Fred Ferguson*
Sam Monzingo*
Dr. Parmer Richardson*
Builder Key (10)
Charlie Tupper
Advancement Key (6)
Bennie Brigham*
Jim Buerger
Dennis Jeter
Membership Key (5)
Larry Frazier*
Stoney Greene*
Gerry Hurst*
Iris Smith
Jimmy Watson*
Darla Wisdom
Membership Key (4)
Jo Ann Holt
Mark Snyder*
Membership Key (2)
Amy Alburtis
Bobby Allen
Bonnie Breazeale*
Carne Cunningham*
Dan Cunningham
Steve Elwell
Weldon Estes*
C.E. Groves*
Bill Harper
Corky Harris*
Lisa Hembry
Robert Hirsh*
Joe Jessing
Richard Justiss*
Diana Ezzell
Dr. Bill Lawhorn
Mike Lott*
John McCall, Sr.*
John McCall, Jr.
Tasie Semos
Shelby Starr*
Dr. R.A. "Dick" Self Award / "Outstanding District Club" Award
The Dr. R.A. "Dick" Self Award, named in honor of Oak Cliff Lions Club Charter Member and Past President and Lions Clubs International Director, is annually presented by the District Governor to the Club deemed to be the most outstanding Club in Lions District 2-X1 for that year. Prior to 1985, the District Governor designated an "Outstanding District Club" for each Lions Year
Oak Cliff Lions Club 1977-78 President Bill Melton
Oak Cliff Lions Club 1988-89 President Mark Snyder*
Oak Cliff Lions Club 2006-07 President Rich Buickerood
Oak Cliff Lions Club 2014-15 President Steve Bayless
Oak Cliff Lions Club 2021-22 President Nia MacKay
District 2-X1 "Lion of the Year" Award
Each year the District Governor selects a Lion deemed to have met the ideals and commitment to Lionism and District 2-X1 as the "Most Outstanding District Lion" for that Lions Year
2021-22 Nia MacKay Oak Cliff Lions Club
100% District Club / Club Excellence Award
The Award is presented to Clubs each year who further the Goals of Lionism, where the Club President has qualified for the 100% President/Club President Excellence Award and the Club Secretary is also so qualified; lead Officers attend at least two Cabinet Meetings; Club publishes a Newsletter; no unpaid balances at year's end; make 100% contributions to at least seven of nine District supported Charities; submit all Club Reports timely; participate in Gavel Travel; and have a net gain in Club Membership during the Year.
1977-78 President Bill Melton
1988-89 President Mark Snyder*
1995-96 President Carolyn Dunnigan*
1997-98 President Bonnie Breazeale*
1998-99 President John Dodd
2008-09 President Darla Wisdom
2012-13 President Iris Smith
2017-18 President John McCall, Jr. [Nia McKay, "Secretary of the Year"]
2021-22 President Nia MacKay
100% President Award / President's Excellence Award
The Award is presented to a Club President if the Club has furthered the Goals of Lionism; conducted at least one major fund raiser during the year; the President has attended at least two Zone Meetings, Club Officers Training, District, Multiple District Training; submitted all Reports timely; remains in good standing with Lions International as of June 30th; achieved a net gain in Membership as of June 30th; New Members have been properly Inducted and Oriented; Club makes contribution to LCIF; and the President explains the most outstanding achievement of the Club during the Year.
1976-77 President Bill Lewis
1977-78 President Bill Melton
1988-89 President Mark Snyder*
1995-96 President Carolyn Dunnigan*
1997-98 President Bonnie Breazeale*
2000-01 President Wayne Meachum
2002-03 President Michelle Metzger
2008-09 President Darla Wisdom
2012-13 President Iris Smith
Outstanding Achievement Service Activity Reporting Award
An Annual Award presented to the Club best reporting all Club activities, including Programs, Events, Meetings, and other non-Lion activities
2020-21 Oak Cliff Lions Club President Paul Nielsen
2021-22 Oak Cliff Lions Club President Nia MacKay
Jimmy Thompson Fellowship
The Jimmy Thompson Award is presented by the Julien C. Hyer Youth Camp for the contribution of $1,000.00 by a Lions Club or individual. The Award Honors 42 year Lion Jimmy Thompson, long-time Board Member and supporter of the Julien C. Hyer Youth Camp.
Diana Ezzell 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Larry Frazier* 2013
James "Corky" Harris* 2013
Josh Holt 2013
PDG Bill Melton 2013
Charlie Tupper 2013
PDG Darla Wisdom 2013
David Ezzell 2014
Dr. William S. Harris Award
The Dr. William S. Harris Award is presented by the Lions District 2-X1 Sight and Tissue Foundation for the contribution of designated funds or special services to the Foundation by Clubs or individuals.
Bill Tucker* 2003
PDG Wayne Meachum 2004, 2007
PDG Bill Melton 2004
Stan Altschuler 2007
Danny Boyce 2007
Rich Buickerood 2007
Carolyn Dunnigan* 2007
Sylvia Flores 2007
Wendy Fox 2007
Larry Frazier* 2007
Stoney Greene* 2007
Lisa Hembry 2007
Robert Hirsh* 2007
Joe Jessing 2007
Mike Lott* 2007
John McCall, Sr.* 2007
Stan McDonald 2007
Michelle Metzger 2007
David Mills 2007
Carrie Smith 2007
Iris Smith 2007
Tom Timmons 2007
PDG Darla Wisdom 2007
Jack Wiech Fellowship
The Jack Wiech Fellowship was established in 1994 by the Board of Directors of Texas Lions Camp as a way to pay tribute to the founder of the camp, Jack Weich. The Jack Wiech Fellowship is presented by the Texas Lions Camp for the contribution of designated funds or special services to the Camp by Clubs or individuals.
PDG Wayne Meachum 2007
Stan McDonald 2007
PDG Bill Melton 2007
Danny Boyce 2009
Bonnie Breazeale* 2009
Joe Jessing 2009
Mike Lott* 2009
PDG Darla Wisdom 2009
Richard Lenzner 2010
Steve Bayless 2013
Carol Donovan 2013
Wendy Fox 2013
Paula Maroney 2013
Iris Smith 2013
Stan Altschuler 2023
Texas Lions Camp - Life Members
A person may become a Life Member of the Texas Lions Camp, located at Kerrville, Texas by means of being named by his or her Lions Club following a contribution to the Camp or through an individual donation to the Camp.
Amy Alburtis
Steve Bayless
Danny Boyce
Bennie Brigham*
Rich Buickerood
Pat Caldwell*
Jo Ann Holt Caussey
Carne Cunningham*
John Dodd
Fred Ferguson*
Larry Frazier*
Joe Jessing
Corky Harris*
Don Hicks*
Josh Holt
Dennis Jeter
Dr. Bill Lawhorn
Steve Levine
Mike Lott*
Kathie Magers
PDG Bill Melton
Iris Smith
Carole Sprague
Mark Snyder*
Bill Tucker*
Lions Sight & Tissue Foundation - Life Members
A person may become a Life Member of the Lions Sight & Tissue Foundation of District 2-X1 by means of being named by his or her Lions Club following a contribution to the LS&TF or through an individual donation to LS&TF.
Steve Bayless
Pat Crenshaw*
Ruben Esquivel
Fred Ferguson*
Larry Frazier*
Jerry Gilmore*
Kerry Goodwin
Corky Harris*
Dennis Jeter
Dr. Bill Lawhorn
Blake Lindsay
Mike Lott*l
PDG Bill Melton
Bobbie Smith
Layne VIncent
Carol Donovan
Stan Altschuler
Howard Snyder Award
Dianna Ezzell
Pancho Luna Gold Award
Pat Crenshaw*
Charlie Tupper
Mike Lott*
Pete Anderson Award
Michelle Metzger
PDG Darla Wisdom
Julien C. Hyer Lions Youth Camp - Life Members
A person may become a Life Member of the Julien C. Hyer Lions Youth Camp by means of being named by his or her Lions Club following a contribution to the JHYC or through an individual donation to JHYC.
Diana Ezzell
Joan Harris*
Linda Levine
Steve Levine
PDG Bill Melton
Charlie Tupper
David Mills
Lion Of The Year
This award is presented to a Lion who is deemed to have accomplished a major achievement that year in behalf of the Club, the Community and Lionism. Selection is the prerogative of the President.
Kennie Ritchel* 1956
Not awarded 1957-58
Ed Church* 1959
John Patton* 1960
T. Roy Hudson* 1961
David Braden* 1962
V. E. Hawes* 1963
Ed Thompson* 1964
Tom Young* 1965
J. E. Coleman* 1966
Dennis Jeter 1967
Ronald Hughes* 1968
Ed Thompson* 1969
Gaby Bjerke* 1970
Dr. W. C. Jones* 1971
John Sprowls 1972
Bennie Brigham* 1973
Harold D. Schackman* 1974
Steve Bayless 1975
Hubert Burden* 1976
Fred Ferguson* & Tom Young* 1977
Douglas Laird 1978
Ted Dempsey* 1979
Don Rowe* 1980
Earl Kay* 1981
Don Rowe* 1982
Steve Levine 1983
Al Chauvin 1984
J. C. "Abe" Barnett* 1985
Steve Gleason 1986
Herschel Samples 1987
Dan Eddy* 1988
Gordon Rea* 1989
Carolyn Dunnigan* 1990
Dan Eddy* 1991
Bonnie Breazeale* & Steve Elwell 1992
Mark Snyder* & Corky Harris* 1993
Bud Stallworth* 1994
Marshall Hughes* 1995
Dan Cunningham 1996
Eric Bailey 1997
Mike Lott* 1998
Iris Smith 1999
Bill Harper 2000
Amy Alburtis 2001
Joe Jessing 2002
Robert M. Allen* 2003
Stan Altschuler, Don Herring, Bill Melton, Michelle Metzger & Darla Wisdom 2004
John Dodd, Larry Frazier*, Lisa Hembry, Nora Mercado, Ann Washburn 2005
Charlie Tupper 2006
Danny Boyce 2007
Robert Hirsh* 2008
Mike Lott* 2009
Layne Vincent 2010
Steve Bayless and Wendy Fox 2011
Stan Altschuler 2012
Darla Wisdom 2013
Larry Frazier*, Chris King 2014
Joe Jessing 2015
John McCall, Jr. 2016
Iris Smith 2017
Perry Flowers 2018
Nia MacKay 2019
Teri Bailey 2020
Sara Kitto 2021
Sheryll McKay, PDG Wayne Meachum, Charlene Vezina, 2022
Teri Bailey 2023, 2024
Cub Of The Year
Cub of the year is a member who has been in the club one year and chosen by the President for outstanding service to the club for that year.
G. O. Slaughter* 1977-78
Don Rowe* 1978-79
Al Chauvin 1979-80
Tom Coleman* 1980-81
Butch Arnold 1981-82
Bill Tucker* 1982-83
Jim Davis 1983-84
Randall Brown 1984-85
John Mason 1985-86
Robert Hazelbaker 1986-87
Charles Musacchio 1987-88
Steve McGregor* 1988-89
Bud Stallworth* 1989-90
Gary Drew 1990-91
Tony Vigil 1991-92
Skip Smith 1991-93
Not awarded 1993-94
Dixie Smith 1994-95
Jim Bowden 1995-96
Chris Pommerening 1996-97
Amy Alburtis 1997-98
Robert M. Allen* 1998-99
Durhl Caussey 1999-00
Ann Washburn 2000-01
David Mills 2001-02
Chris King 2002-03
Fawn Walker 2003-04
Ashley Chretien, Layne Vincent, Susi Vincent 2005
Ajay Torres, 2006
Jay Forrester 2007
Miguel Ramirez 2008
Jeff and Diane Francis 2009
Joan Harris* 2010
Paula Maroney 2011
Judy Porter 2012
Frances Stinnett 2013
Bobbi Smith 2014
Blake Lindsay 2015
Sheryll McKay 2016
Sian Riley 2017
Alan Schrock 2018
Suzanne Buss 2019
Teri Lipscomb 2020
Bob Hodge 2021
Sydney Allen 2022
Ted Ferguson 2023
Vitaly Lunev 2024
Oak Cliff Lions Club Extravaganza
Dedication Beginning in 1977, the "Extravaganza" has been Dedicated to a worthy Oak Cliff Lion or Lions for their Dedication and support of the Club and the "Extravaganza". Those who have been so honored are:
Harold Schackman*, 1977
Oscar "Bill" Eagle*, 1978
Harry Selman*, 1979
No Dedications Made, 1980-85
Bill Leavell*, 1986
Jerry Vincent*, 1987
The Cast and Crew of the 1948 "Oak Cliff Lions Minstrel", 1988
Tom and Mary Young*, 1989
Fred Ferguson*, 1990
The "Nitty Gritty Band", 1991
John Connell*, 1992
Corky* and Joan* Harris, 1993
Sylvan Moritz*, 1994
Marshall Hughes*, 1995
Harold Bridges* and Carl Moffat*, 1996
Carne Cunningham*, 1997
The Past Presidents of the Oak Cliff Lions Club, 1998
The Allison Snyder* Family, 1999
No "Extravaganza" held, 2000
Janet Nelson*, 2001
Bill Melton, 2002
Robert Hirsh*, 2003
Iris Smith, 2004ja
Carolyn Dunnigan*, 2005
Steve & Marna Bayless, 2006
Dan Cunningham and Dr. Thurman Ray*, 2007
Mike Lott*, 2008
Dr. Bill Lawhorn, Paula Craig and Pat Crenshaw*, 2009
Darla Wisdom, 2010
Dr. Burt Bryan, 2011
"Extravaganza" not held in 2012
John McCall, Jr., 2013
David Mills, 2014
Al Bell*, 2015
Sara Kitto 2016
"Extravaganza" discontinued in 2017
"Grass Roots Lion" Award
The "Grass Roots Lion" Award is to recognize the dedication of Lions who have done unheralded service for their club, community and Lionism, and have been Lions for five years or less.
John Connell* 1986-87
Marshall Hughes* 1987-88
Jerry Adkins 1988-89
Carne Cunningham* 1989-90
Dodson Hanes* 1990-91
Bud Stallworth* 1991-92
Charles Musacchio 1992-93
Ginger Parson 1993-94
Skip & Dixie Smith 1994-95
Robert Hirsh* 1995-96
Mike Lott* 1996-97
Kathie Magers 1997-98
Amy Alburtis 1998-99
Iris Smith 1999-00
Shelby Starr* 2000-01
Ruth Wilson* 2001-02
Linda Peterson 2002-03
Nora Mercado 2003-04
Stan Altschuler 2004-05
Layne and Susi Vincent 2005-06
Amy Alburtis, PDG Bill Melton and PDG Wayne Meachum 2006-07
Alice Zaccarello 2007-08
Wendy Fox 2008-09
Jeff Francis 2009-10
Carole Sprague and Pat Crenshaw* 2010-11
Paula Maroney 2011-12
Nia Mackay 2012-13
Frances Stinnett 2013-14
Judy Porter 2014-15
Bobbi Smith 2015-16
Cynthia Konda 2016-17
Charlene Vezina 2017-18
Patrick Tester 2018-19*
Teri Lipscomb 2019-20
none selected 2020-21
Bob Hodge, 2021-22
Vitaly Lunev, 2022-23
None awarded, 2023-24
Honorary Life Membership - Board Of Directors
From time to time, the Club President may recommend and the Board of Directors may vote a Club Member to become an Honorary Life Member of the Club Board of Directors. The position shall be a non-voting position; however, said Honorary Life Member may attend all Board Meetings and participate in discussions.
PID Dr. Richard A. Self 1956*
Dr. W. C. Jones 1975*
Dr. Frank Shultz 1975*
Teddy Harris 1979*
Dr. Wallace B. Wilkinson 1979*
Dr. H. K. Crutcher 1979*
PDG Sylvan Moritz 1980*
PDG W.T. "Dub" Nelson 1980*
PDG Bill Melton 1981
PDG Wayne Meachum 2007
PDG Darla Wisdom 2014
Robert Hirsh 100% Lion Award
Started in 2002, this Award is presented annually to Oak Cliff Lions who have brought in a new member, had perfect attendance, participated in Club, District or International activities, worked in various Club activities and participated in fund raising activities, among other requirements.
Amy Alburtis, 2006
Bobby Allen, 2023
Robert M. Allen*, 2005, '06
Stan Altschuler, 2009, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16, '23
Teri Bailey, 2023
Marna Bayless, 2010, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
Steve Bayless, 2010, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
Alison Beazley - Reece, 2015
Danny Boyce, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Suzanne Buss, 2018
Durhl Caussey, 2010, 2011, '12, '13, '14
Jo Ann Holt Caussey, 2002, '10, '13, '14
Pat Crenshaw*, 2013, '14
Paula Craig, 2002
Carol Donovan, 2012, '13
Carolyn Dunnigan*, 2010, '11, '12
Diana Ezzell, 2023
Ted Ferguson, 2023
Wendy Fox, 2010, '12
Jeff Francis, 2010, '11
Kathy Frazier, 2009, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Larry Frazier*, 2004, '05, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15. '16. '17, '18, '19
Dick Geiger*, 2010, '11, '12, '13
James "Corky" Harris*, 2008, '09, '10, '11, '12, '15
Joan Harris*, 2010, '11, '12, '15
Robert Hirsh*, 2002, '06, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, 16, '17, '18. '19
Linda Hodge, 2018
Joe Jessing, 2009, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
Sara Kitto, 2017
Dr. Bill Lawhorn, 2009
Richard Lenzner, 2011, '13
Blake Lindsay, 2023
Dr. Dennis Lindsey*, 2002
Mike Lott*, 2010, '11, '12, '14, '15
Vitaly Lunev, 2023
Sheryll McKay, 2018, 19
Mickey MacKay, 2020, '22
Nia MacKay, 2016, '17, '18, '19, '20, '22
Kathie Magers, 2007, '10, '11, '12, '13
Paula Maroney, 2012, '13, '15
John McCall, Jr., 2012, '13, '15
John McCall, Sr.*, 2013
Wayne Meachum, 2002, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '19, '20, '23
Bill Melton, 2002, '03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12
Nora Mercado, 2005, '07, '09, '10, '11, '12
Michelle Metzger, 2002, '03, '04, '23
David Mills, 2003, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '16, '17, '18. '19
Miguel Ramirez, 2009
Senada Rustic, 2015, '16
Anastasia Semos-Shelton, 2019
Glenn Shank, 2023
Iris Smith, 2010, '13
Carole Sprague, 2010, '12, '13
Shelby Starr*, 2007, '09
Tom Timmons, 2010, '11
Charlie Tupper, 2002, '03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '22, '23
Charlene Vezina, 2019
Judy Vincent, 2010, '11, '13
Layne Vincent, 2012, 2013, 2019
Ann Washburn, 2004
Joe Wells, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Ruth Wilson*, 2003
Darla Wisdom, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19
*award not presented in '21 due to pandemic
Oak Cliff Lions Club Endowment Trust Award
A Lion or individual may be presented the Oak Cliff Lions Club Endowment Trust Award by making a one-time contribution of $500.00 or more to the Oak Cliff Lions Club Endowment Trust. Established in 1966, the Trust serves as a reserve source of funds for the Club's Board of Directors. Since 1978, utilizing earnings only from the Trust, the Club has chosen to to award College Scholarships to worthy students from Oak Cliff area high schools. Three of the Scholarships are named for worthy Lions; the first, "Oak Cliff Lions Club Dr. W. C. 'Bill' Jones Scholarship", after the Charter Member and Past President; the second, "Oak Cliff Lions Club Dr. Dennis Lindsey Scholarship", after the Founding President of the Endowment Trust; and the third, "Oak Cliff Lions Club John Connell Scholarship", after the largest contributor the the Trust,therein after, if there are additional Scholarships to be awarded within the same year, they shall be named the "Oak Cliff Lions Club Scholarship". The Trust has grown steadily through the years through singular contributions, Memorial Gifts and Estate designations.
Numerous 1966 Members of the Oak Cliff Lions Club
Estate of John and Winnie Connell*
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bailey*
Judge Robert E. Day*
Mrs. Bob Lee*
Square Foot, Inc.
Robert* and Carol Hirsh
Dr. Elba Garcia
PDG Bill Melton
* Deceased
Oak Cliff Lions Club, Dallas
P.O Box 4445 Dallas, TX 75208
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