Lions Clubs International (LCI)
LCI was founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones and the first International Convention was held at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas, Texas in October 1917. At the 1925 International Convention, the famed Helen Keller spoke to the assembled Lions and challenged them to become "Knights of the Blind". The call was answered and since that time, dedication to "Vision for All" has been the main charitable cause, among many, of Lions Clubs International.
Lions Clubs International Offices are Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. The Association has approximately 1.3 million Members located in some 200 countries and geographical areas around the World, and is the World's largest Service Clubs Organization. Lions International is governed by an Internationally-elected President, Board of Directors and Professional Staff. The Organization holds an International Convention at a different location in the World during the Summer of each year. The Lions Fiscal Year runs July 1 through June 30 of each year.
There have been seven International Presidents from the State of Texas during the first 90 years of the Association's organization - L. H. Lewis, Dallas, 1918-19; Judge Julien C. Hyer, Ft. Worth, 1931-32; George R. Jordan, Dallas, 1941-42; Herbert C. Petry, Jr., Carrizo Springs, 1950-51; David A. Evans, Texas City, 1968-69; Everett C. "Ebb" Grindstaff, Ballinger, 1982-83; and Jimmy Ross, Quitaque, 2006-07.
Oak Cliff Lions Club Charter Member Dr. Richard A. "Dick" Self was elected to the Lions Clubs International Board of Directors for a two-year Term, 1954-56.
Multiple District 2 - Lions of Texas
The International Association is broken into Districts throughout the World, with each having a duly-Elected District Governor. The Lions of the State of Texas are located in Lions Multiple District 2 and there are 16 Lions Districts within the State, or Multiple District 2. Each Texas Governor is a Member of the Texas Lions Council of Governors which oversees the general work of Lionism across the State of Texas. The Council meets at least twice each year in Kerrville, Texas, home of the Texas Lions Camp - generally in August and February and at least two other times, with a State Convention each June.
Lions District 2-X1
The Dallas Oak Cliff Lions Club is a member of Lions District 2-X1 covering a five-county area of North Texas, with approximately 70 Lions Clubs. The District Governor and his or her Cabinet holds at least four Cabinet Meetings during the year, as well as a Mid-Winter Conference in January and a District Convention in April.
Oak Cliff Lions Club, Dallas
P.O Box 4445 Dallas, TX 75208
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